Staying at home GameDev way

Governments all over the world are recommending to stay at home to prevent spreading the SARS-CoV-2 virus causing Covid-19. So as we all have to deal with the quarantine or just doing your part staying at home, what can we do as game developers?

There is actually a lot of things you can do! And all thanks to that, we love to sit with the computer. ?‍?

Grarantanna ?

Last two weeks we were helping as Lublin GameDev with a “little” project called Grarantanna.

In Lublin GameDev, our job is to encourage people to learn how to make games and to actually make them. We were doing webinars on the Lublin GameDev YouTube channel on the subject of Unity and Game Design. Available materials are in polish.

We were also organizing the Grarantanna Jam. Game jam for teenagers from high schools in Poland. We gave them 120h (5 days) to make games with the topic “przysłowia” (eng. proverbs). Within that time, we got 40 entries, which I think is a solid number.

Learning Unity ?

Unity is offering their Premium Learning courses for 3 months for free! These are great resources to start learning Unity and improve your skills if you are using Unity already.

Other resources I could recommend:

Make games! ⚙️

This is a great time to start working on your own game project! Of course, if you didn’t start already ?

Making a game can be really time and focus consuming, so as we all have to start home, why don’t you make one or two games in that time?

Sure, you can do even more by participating in many online game jams!

There are even pages dedicated to storing information about them like Game Jams on or Indie Game Jams.

Promote yourself or your game ?

In this time, you can also start a blog where you will share some knowledge or simply write updates about your game. You can also start a YouTube channel if you want.

Over a year ago, I decided to start writing this blog, and I’m sticking to it with my ambitious plans for this year. You can do it too!

But be aware that creating content is really though. I even wrote about reasons to have a blog and things I wish to know before I started.

The summary ?

As you can see, there are a few things you can do during the time staying at home or at quarantine. Don’t waste that time doing nothing, as you can still spend time gaining popularity or developing the next big thing.

So what are you doing now? Leave a comment with your response in the comment section down below. ?

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See you next time! ?

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